Mainly Proactive
Some persons prefer to take the initiative (Proactive), others prefer to wait, think and consider (Reactive) and other are in between.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Proactive Trigger, which means that you are motivated by doing and taking the initiative. Sometimes you jump into action without much thinking or consideration for what might happen or what is needed. You like things to be done now and hate to wait. At work you can be impatient and may seem to others hard to handle or aggressive. If someone gives you what you want right away, you may jump at the opportunity and not hesitate. Or, if not, you may go and do something else right away.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”1″] | I agree |
When you communicate with others at work, you can be more patient. (It’s hard, I know!!) Many people will need more time to think than you do. To get more buy in, I suggest that you learn the influencing language for Reactive Trigger.
When you are making important decisions, it is helpful to slow down, so that you can consider the implications before you jump into something. This will also be very useful when you are tempted to say “yes” right away. Here’s how to do that – ask the other person: “what would that entail?” And then promise to get back to them with an answer. For big work decisions, create a list of pros and cons for each option, including the current situation.
Mainly Reactive
Some persons prefer to take the initiative (Proactive), others prefer to wait, think and consider (Reactive) and other are in between.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Reactive Trigger, which means you probably prefer to wait, analyze, consider and think, rather than jump in to get things done. During challenging times at work, you may wait for a long time and have difficulty making a decision or getting something done. You need to think tasks through to thoroughly understand before starting.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”2″] | I agree |
When you are in communication with others at work, it may be helpful to take the initiative more often, as this is helpful in establishing your credibility. To do this, I suggest learning the influencing language for the Proactive Trigger, and use it often, particularly to yourself. This will help get you kick-started, when you need it.
At other times, remember to intervene to help slow things down when colleagues seem to be making a quick decision without thinking it through.
Balanced Proactive and Reactive
Some persons prefer to take the initiative (Proactive), others prefer to wait, think and consider (Reactive) and other are in between.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you are in the middle between Proactive and Reactive. This means you like both to think about what you are doing and you like to get out there and make it happen. This means that you can avoid the pitfalls that happen when you jump in too quickly and you also prevent yourself from missing opportunities because you don’t think them over endlessly without acting.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”3″] | I agree |
You can be a great interpreter between people who have Proactive and Reactive Motivation Triggers™ at work. One wants to jump and the other to wait, and you can help them see the benefit of each when they are appropriate.
To do this, I suggest learning the influencing language for the Proactive and Reactive Triggers. That way you will increase your impact with each of them.
Mainly Away From Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, some people are heading Towards something they want or moving Away From a problem that they would prefer to avoid.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Away From Trigger, which indicates you are motivated to solve problems and to avoid what you do not want. You enjoy preventing and solving problems at work. You may jump into action when things go wrong to solve the problem or prevent negative consequences from happening. You can be motivated by looming deadlines or certain kinds of threats. You are more likely to decide or agree in order to prevent a consequence or solve an issue rather than to gain a benefit.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”4″] | I agree |
At work to be more convincing to those who don’t think about what could go wrong (Toward Motivation Trigger™), you may want to learn how to position your ideas using the Toward Influencing Language. Demonstrate which advantages and benefits your suggestions have, rather than just the problems they avoid or solve.
When you are making decisions, remind yourself of your goal or purpose, so that you don’t get stuck only focusing on the drawbacks of each choice.
Mainly Toward Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, some people are heading Towards something they want or moving Away From a problem that they would prefer to avoid.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Toward Trigger, which indicates that you are goal-oriented at work, motivated to achieve goals and gain a benefit. For you to make a decision or take action, you need a goal or benefit to move toward, or you may not get started. You are motivated by the carrot, not the stick. At work, you tend to keep an eye on the priorities. You want to know what the purpose or the goal is. You tend not to notice problems right away. You are not motivated to decide or do something merely to avoid a consequence; you are more enticed by an advantage or benefit.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”5″] | I agree |
At work to be more convincing to those who think about what could wrong (Away From Trigger), you may want to learn how to position your ideas using the Away From influencing language. Demonstrate what issues your suggestions would avoid or solve.
When you are making decisions, remember to also check out the potential drawbacks before you choose, so that you can make better decisions.
Mainly Internal Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, people make a decision being influenced by others they respect, or by facts and figures. Other people (in the same situation) prefer to decide for themselves.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Internal Trigger, which implies that you are motivated to decide for yourself, based on your own internal standards and Criteria. Sometimes you can be hard to convince because you do not like being told what to do. When others make bold statements, have too much enthusiasm and use command language, this will raise your resistance. When you receive feedback or criticism, you tend to evaluate it to see if you agree, rather than just taking it in. You can stand firm and are not easily swayed, because you judge circumstances based on what is important to you. For this reason, you are sometimes viewed as rigid or inflexible by others. In customer-facing positions, when the customer is upset, you may view the customer as unreasonable and be unsympathetic.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”6″] | I agree |
At work to be more convincing and get less resistance, you may wish to consider learning the influencing language for people with who also have the Internal Trigger. Like you, they dislike being told what to do, and would rather be asked for their input.
As a manager or leader, it can be helpful to make it a habit to give each of your team members feedback and appreciation when they have done something well. They may need it more than you might think. Try it out to see for yourself if it helps with their engagement and enthusiasm levels.
Mainly External Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, some people make a decision being influenced by others they respect, or by facts and figures. Other people (in the same situation) prefer to decide for themselves.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly External Trigger, which implies that you get energized from receiving positive feedback, either from people or from the results. You get motivated from outside information and feedback. Sometimes you may need input or reassurance from others before you make a decision. At work, when there is no feedback or any evidence that you are making a difference, you may become drained and de-motivated. Many organizations only give employees feedback once per year in the annual performance review and this is not enough for you at work. You tend to work well in customer-facing positions since you take in customer feedback and act on it. When the customer is upset, you respond immediately because you care about what others think.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”7″] | I agree |
To stay motivated in an environment where you do not get enough feedback, create a checklist for yourself of the important things to do each day. It can be very satisfying when you see what is checked off as done at the end of the day.
To be more persuasive at work, particularly with people who have an Internal Trigger, you might want to learn the appropriate influencing language, and the Instant Credibility Strategy, as they can be hard to convince.
Mainly Procedures Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, people prefer to have lots of choices (and may have trouble picking only one option) or by having a straightforward step by step process to complete.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Procedures Trigger, which means that you prefer a step-by-step process. You can be counted on to finish tasks because you like to complete what you start. You are interested in how to do something: how to use it, how to fix it. When you have a question, you prefer a clear step-by-step method as the answer, without alternatives. You often think there is a right way to do things, and don’t like exceptions. If you are given too many choices, you may have difficulty making up your mind. Others may view you as rigid when you insist on following each step to the end of the process. If your process at work breaks down, you may get stuck and not know how to proceed.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”8″] | I agree |
It might be helpful, particularly if you want to be promoted to higher levels, to consider how else you could do the work to find shorter or better processes, instead of repeating the procedure over and over.
You could team up with someone who has an Options Trigger to expand your perspective on how to solve problems. But both of you would need to learn how to work with the other’s approach. The right way to do this is to learn the influencing language for people with an Options Trigger.
Mainly Options Trigger
In a specific situation, at work, people prefer to have lots of choices (and may have trouble picking only one option) or by having a straightforward step by step process to complete.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Options Trigger, which means that you are very creative. You like to think outside the box and you are prepared to go around the normal procedure to get something done. You like to bend or break rules and want to have options and choices. It can be harder for you to make decisions sometimes because that would eliminate some options in order to choose only one. You have a tendency to start a project… and then start another project. Because of your creativity, you can see many alternatives, but you are not necessarily committed to following through with a choice or completing tasks.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”9″] | I agree |
To increase your motivation at work, look for the kind of tasks where you have to create something from scratch. You could team up with someone who has a Procedures Trigger to get things completed quicker. But, both of you would need to learn how to work with the other’s approach.
Avoid overwhelming others with too many choices, particularly when you need a decision, as having too many options can prevent some people from deciding. Instead, one way to get a decision quicker is to show them how your proposal can be helpful. The shortcut for doing this is learning the influencing language for people with a Procedures Trigger.
Sameness Trigger
This category describes how does a person reacts to change, what frequency and what kind of change they need in different contexts. Is the motivation about seeking sameness, evolution or change?
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a Sameness Trigger, which indicates that you like doing what you usually do. You are not a fan of changes in this situation. You are attracted to tasks and environments that you know already because you like that feeling of familiarity. You can be counted on to maintain things the way they are in this context. When there are too many changes too often, you may become overwhelmed and stressed-out. You are likely happy to do the same work for 15 to 20 years, as long as it doesn’t change too much. You tend to resist change, and for this reason, others may perceive you as rigid and closed-minded.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”10″] | I agree |
Since there are many changes in the workplace, you may wish to look at them as a mechanism for you to develop your skills, particularly if you wish to be promoted. The easiest way to do this is to look at them as an evolution, rather than a revolution by focusing on what is still the same, and what is progressing. Find out how to do new activities by requesting a step by step process.
Sameness with Exception (Evolution) Trigger
This category describes how does a person reacts to change, what frequency and what kind of change they need in different contexts. Is the motivation about seeking sameness, evolution or change?
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a Sameness with Exception Trigger, which indicates that you like gradual improvement and evolution in the environment and work you do. You get motivated when you believe something is better than before. You will be interested in enhancements and improvements to what you are already using as long as the change is gradual. If too much is changing around you, you may feel stressed. You are probably happy doing the same work for five to seven years as long as it keeps evolving.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”11″] | I agree |
Since you like to continue to evolve, seek out tasks and positions that will stretch your skills. You can also learn the influencing language for the Difference Trigger to be more persuasive to those who love to change everything, and the influencing language for the Sameness Trigger to get more buy-in from those who don’t want anything to change.
This category describes how does a person reacts to change, what frequency and what kind of change they need in different contexts. Is the motivation about seeking sameness, evolution or change?
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a Difference Motivation Trigger, which indicates that you are an early adopter. You are attracted to what is new and different in your environment and tasks. You like to do many things at once and get bored doing the same thing for too long. You tend to get itchy feet and start looking for something new about every year to 18 months. You love it when you can make significant changes at work and may be a driver of change. You have a tendency to push too much change on others who might prefer things to stay the same or evolve more gradually.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”12″] | I agree |
To get more people on board and have less resistance to the changes you want to make, you could learn the influencing language for Sameness and Sameness with Exception Triggers. These people want to hear what will stay the same or be improved and are turned off with big changes. Reduce the number of unnecessary changes if you can.
Sameness with Exception and Difference Trigger
This category describes how does a person reacts to change, what frequency and what kind of change they need in different contexts. Is the motivation about seeking sameness, evolution or change?
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have both the Sameness with Exception and Difference Triggers, which indicates that you are attracted to both evolutionary and revolutionary change. You like things to change and get better. You are probably happy doing the same work for around three years if there is sufficient evolutionary change. You want their environment and tasks to be both “new” and “improved”.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”13″] | I agree |
You can be a great interpreter between those who like work to stay the same and those who want to bring frequent and dramatic changes. To do this learn the influencing language for Sameness and Difference Triggers.
General Pattern
This category refers to how much information a person needs in a given situation. Do they prefer just the general overview, would they rather have all the detailed information or somewhere in between?
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the General Pattern which means you like an overview, the big picture of what you are doing. You can handle some details for short periods of time if you are particularly interested in something. You can become frustrated with someone who asks you too many detailed questions. You excel at getting the main idea and seeing the forest not the trees, which is very useful when you need to be strategic.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”14″] | I agree |
Because you are more comfortable with the overview that some other people, make sure that you have given others enough information to know what to do. When you are communicating with someone who prefers the specific details, you may notice they need to finish giving you all the details, so just let them finish (if you have the time.) They are the people to rely on where detailed focus is what’s needed to complete certain tasks, but they may have difficulty seeing the big picture.
Specific Pattern
This category refers to how much information a person needs in a given situation. Do they prefer just the general overview, would they rather have all the detailed information or somewhere in between?
In your work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have a Specific Pattern and you like getting into the details. When you are speaking or explaining something, you probably give others a lot of information, maybe more than they can handle. Sometimes you have a hard time seeing the overview and may have a hard time if someone gives you too short a summary of their requirements. You excel where getting everything exactly right really matters.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”15″] | I agree |
Remember to ask for the details you need, as others may not think to give you the specifics, as they may be more focused on the overview. Pay attention to see if you have given someone too many details, as they may get lost or bored. If someone is looking away or slowly shuffling to the door, that may mean they can’t take any more.
To have more influence with them, you may wish to learn the language of influence for people who have a more General Pattern. To avoid getting stuck in the detail, and doing too much unnecessary work as a result, it may also be helpful for you to zoom out and ask yourself what the purpose of something is.
Other Pattern
This category answers to the following questions: Does a person notice the non-verbal behavior of others? Do they display non-verbal behavior, such as varied facial expressions and tone or do they miss the non-verbal component of communication by focusing on the content alone?
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Other Pattern. This means that you will tend to notice and respond to others’ non-verbal behavior as well as being expressive yourself. This means you tend to display different facial expressions and voice tones and make gestures when you communicate. Rapport is important to you and feeling that you are on the same wavelength with your colleagues.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”16″] | I agree |
This capacity to notice other people’s hints is a gift. So it’s very useful to pay attention, as other people will let you know how they are feeling, whether they disagree, and who supports your ideas. A great skill to keep on cultivating!
Self Pattern
This category answers to the following questions: Does a person notice the non-verbal behavior of others? Do they display non-verbal behavior, such as varied facial expressions and tone or do they miss the non-verbal component of communication by focusing on the content alone?
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Self Pattern which means you focus more on what you are doing and may not notice someone’s tone of voice or their facial expression. Sometimes when you do notice this, you may mis-read what they are feeling. Others may also misinterpret you because you don’t tend to display a wide range of expressions or tone changes. You like to concentrate on the content of your work and master it.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”17″] | I agree |
If you are not sure if someone agrees or if they are annoyed, just ask them. Most people will let you know. Make sure you check in regularly to see if they are still on board, instead of just going ahead with what you are doing or saying.
Feelings Stress Response
This category describes how people respond to stressful situations in a given Context. It doesn’t measure a person’s response to a catastrophe, rather how they react to the “normal” levels of stressful events in the workplace for example.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Feelings Stress Response. When it gets stressful, or something goes wrong, it tends to upset you a lot. When you get into a negative emotional state you may have some difficulty getting out of it. The things that bother you at work, particularly mistakes or negative feedback from someone who is important, tend to bother you for quite a while. You can be passionate about what you do and put a lot of feeling into your work.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”18″] | I agree |
It would be very helpful to learn the techniques for managing one’s emotions, and how to get some distance when something is upsetting you.
Choice Stress Response
This category describes how people respond to stressful situations in a given Context. It doesn’t measure a person’s response to a catastrophe, rather how they react to the “normal” levels of stressful events in the workplace for example.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Choice Stress Response. This means that when it gets stressful, or something goes wrong, you get upset at first, but then you are able to calm down and deal with it. Because you can feel emotions at work, you can have empathy for others, but you also know when to get back on task.
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You can use this ability with your team to help the more emotional ones regain their cool in stressful times and to help the ones who hardly ever get upset have some empathy for those who do.
Thinking Stress Response
This category describes how people respond to stressful situations in a given Context. It doesn’t measure a person’s response to a catastrophe, rather how they react to the “normal” levels of stressful events in the workplace for example.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Thinking Stress Response. This means that when it gets stressful, or something goes wrong, you tend not to go into a negative emotional state. You are likely to remain very logical and look for a solution. Because you don’t often become emotional, you may not have empathy for those who do.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”20″] | I agree |
It will help the environment for you to pay attention when team members or clients get upset and to understand what has been bothering them, and not give them a solution. People are different and what may not bother you, may be very disturbing to others.
Independent Working Style
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or working with others all together.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Independent Working Style. This means that you are productive when you are working by yourself, having sole responsibility for a project. When you are interrupted, you may lose your train of thought and become annoyed. You may like to block out distractions from the environment so that you can concentrate on your work. You are able to work on your own for long periods of time.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”21″] | I agree |
Get some alone time where no one interrupts your train of thought. If you are a manager or leader and need to work in conjunction with others a lot of the time, having some time to yourself at work, will help your own productivity.
Proximity Working Style
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or all together working with others.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Proximity Working Style. This means that you are productive when you have responsibility for your work, and your work involves others who have clearly defined roles. To be at your best at work you need know what you are responsible for and how your work involves others provided their roles and responsibilities are clear. You are not as productive if you have to work alone for long periods or if you have to share territory with others.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”22″] | I agree |
Make sure that you have a clear definition of your role, responsibility and level of authority, and what others will contribute. This will reinforce your productivity. Since you work well with others when this clear, seek out more opportunities to do this to advance your career.
Cooperative Working Style
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or all together working with others.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the Cooperative Working Style. You work well when you get to work all together with others in a team, sharing the responsibility. You like to be with others at work. To be productive and creative, you need to be with people building ideas together and you may not to get work done efficiently when you work too long on your own. You enjoy conversations and may need to be reminded of what you are supposed to be doing.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”23″] | I agree |
Since most people like to have their own territory of responsibilities while you are productive sharing the responsibility and working together, it is important to understand and let the others just get on with their tasks. If you want to work with them too much, they may perceive this as interfering, or not trusting them to do a good job.
Independent and Proximity Working Styles
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or all together working with others.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have both the Independent and the Proximity Working Styles, which means that you are productive when you are working alone and also when you get to work with others provided everyone’s role is clearly defined. You need to work alone, preferably without interruption for certain activities with a clear set of responsibilities. You also work well with other people, provided each of your roles are clear. You don’t like spending long hours having to share responsibilities working together with others.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”24″] | I agree |
Identify which tasks are better done alone and which are done in conjunction with others. Even though this can be hard at work, make sure you have time on your when you need it.
Independent and Cooperative Working Styles
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or all together working with others.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have both the Independent and the Cooperative Working Styles, which means that you are productive both when you are working alone and also when you have time together with others. You need to work alone, preferably without interruption for certain activities with a clear set of responsibilities. At other times you work well together with other people, conversing and sharing the responsibilities.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”25″] | I agree |
Identify which tasks are better done alone and which are done in with others. Even though this can be hard at work, make sure you have time on your when you need it.
Proximity and Cooperative Working Style
This category refers to what kind of human working environment allows a person to be most productive and effective. Alone, working in conjunction with others in clearly defined roles or all together working with others.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have both the Proximity and also the Cooperative Working Styles. This means that at times you are most productive when you have responsibility for your work, and your work involves others who have clearly defined roles. You also need to have time sharing responsibilities and activities with others. You do not work effectively if you have to be alone for long stretches of time.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”26″] | I agree |
Since you work very well with others, you may find that you spend most of your time doing just that – working with others. If they need time on their own to be productive, this may be an interruption for them. Check out which of your team needs alone time to be productive and help them get that alone time.
Mainly Thing Pattern
This category describes whether a person pays attention to people, relationships, thoughts and feelings, or rather to tasks, ideas, systems or tools – things.
When {field:specific_situation_69}, at work, you have a mainly Thing Pattern, which means you tend to focus on tasks, systems, ideas, tools, and things. You prioritize the tasks and tools at work and may not always appreciate the importance of relationship building. You are very task-oriented and might be annoyed when others spend “too much time” chitchatting.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”27″] | I agree |
Many people at work need to have a great relationship with someone to work well with them. You might wish to figure who of your team is like this and have a coffee with them to have the chance to establish the relationship. This will help you and them get better results together.
Mainly Person Pattern
This category describes whether a person pays attention to people, relationships, thoughts and feelings, or rather to tasks, ideas, systems or tools – things.
You have a mainly Person Pattern at work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, which means you tend to focus on people and relationships, feelings and thoughts. You probably like people and prioritize having good relationships. You are great at helping others in difficulty or under because empathy comes naturally to you. You are very people-oriented and may find others “too cold” or abrupt when they only want to focus on the task at hand.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”28″] | I agree |
To improve your impact with the “just the facts” people, learn to use the influencing language for people with the Thing Pattern. They will be persuaded more by results, methods and tools than how something feels.
Rule Structure: My/My (My rules for me / My rules for you.)
This category looks at whether people at work are likely to clearly state their expectations of others, if they know what they need to do themselves (or not), if they are likely to do what they want without much thought about others or if they are able to understand that there is more than one side to a story.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the My/My Rule Structure (My rules for me / My rules for you). You generally know what you should be doing and what others should be doing. You are willing and able to let others know what you need or expect. Sometimes you may become too directive with others and may need to soften your approach.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”29″] | I agree |
This is the “if I were you, I would…” pattern. Sometimes others may perceive you as bossy, when you “tell” too much. Remember to ask too.
Rule Structure: My/. (My rules for me / I don’t care about others)
This category looks at whether people at work are likely to clearly state their expectations of others, if they know what they need to do themselves (or not), if they are likely to do what they want without much thought about others or if they are able to understand that there is more than one side to a story.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the My/. Rule Structure (My rules for me / I don’t care about others). This means that you generally know what you should be doing and do not always think about what others want or need in the situation. Sometimes you may be accused of bulldozing by others for not recognizing their needs.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”30″] | I agree |
Before going ahead with a project, you could identify when it’s okay to bulldoze ahead and when you need to take the pulse around you, to avoid making strategic, career-limiting mistakes.
Rule Structure: No/My (Don’t know what the rules are for me / My rules for you)
This category looks at whether people at work are likely to clearly state their expectations of others, if they know what they need to do themselves (or not), if they are likely to do what they want without much thought about others or if they are able to understand that there is more than one side to a story.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the No/My Rule Structure (Don’t know what the rules are for me / My rules for you). This means that sometimes you are not sure what you need or how to get out of a problem but can more easily guide others than yourself. You sometimes need instructions about what to do and how to handle exceptions to the general rules.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”31″] | I agree |
When you are feeling stuck and don’t know what to do, ask yourself what you might tell a friend in the same situation. This might make it easier to find a solution or a better approach.
Rule Structure: My/Your (My rules for me / Your rules for you)
This Category looks at whether people at work are likely to clearly state their expectations of others, if they know what they need to do themselves (or not), if they are likely to do what they want without much thought about others or if they are able to understand that there is more than one side to a story.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you have the My/Your Rule Structure (My rules for me / Your rules for you). You know there is more than one perspective and that what works for one person may be inappropriate for another. Sometimes you are hesitant to tell others what to do because you believe “different strokes for different folks… so, it’s not for me to tell others as it might not work for them”. This may cause insecurities in your team, when they are not sure what you want.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”32″] | I agree |
Your ability to see more than one side is great for coaching and mediating conflicts, when there is a problem between colleagues. As a leader or manager, make sure your people are clear on what you expect them to do, as you may have the tendency to think it’s not up to you to tell people how to do their jobs.
If you also have this pattern in your couple, you may not be telling your partner what your needs and expectations are, which can lead to misunderstandings. Even if feels uncomfortable, give your partner a chance to meet your needs by at least letting them know what they are.
Convincer Channel: See
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See something in order to understand and process information. You like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”33″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Hear
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Hear something in order to understand and process information. You like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”34″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Read
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Read something in order to understand and process information. You like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”35″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Do something in order to understand and process information. You want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”36″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Hear
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See and Hear something in order to understand and process information. You like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced. Also, you like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”37″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Read
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See and Read something in order to understand and process information. You like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced. Also, you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”38″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See and Do something in order to understand and process information. You like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced. Also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”39″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Hear & Read
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Hear and Read something in order to understand and process information. You like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something. Also, you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”40″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Hear & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Hear and Do something in order to understand and process information. You like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. You like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something. Also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”41″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Read & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Read and Do something in order to understand and process information. You like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision. Also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”42″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Hear & Read
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See, Hear and Read something in order to understand and process information. So:
- you like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced.
- you like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
- also, you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”43″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Hear & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See, Hear and Do something in order to understand and process information. So:
- you like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced.
- you like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
- also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”44″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See & Read & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See, Read and Do something in order to understand and process information. So:
- you like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced.
- you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
- also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”45″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: Hear & Read & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to Hear, Read and Do something in order to understand and process information. So:
- you like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
- you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
- also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”46″] | I agree |
Convincer Channel: See, Hear & Read & Do
The Convincer Channel describes the type of information people need in a situation to start the process of getting convinced about something. The patterns are: See, Hear, Read, Do.
At work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, you prefer to See, Hear, Read and Do something in order to understand and process information. So:
- you like to see evidence in the information gathering phase. If you cannot visualize what someone is proposing or see evidence, you may not get fully convinced.
- you like to discuss and talk over in order to get the information you need. You respond well to oral presentations and like to hear what others say about something.
- you like to read about a product or service to get the required information to make a decision.
- also, you want to try something out to find out if it fits your needs. A hands-on approach works well where you get to work with someone or something, so you can become familiar with a colleague or a product or service.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”47″] | I agree |
Convincer Mode: Number of Examples
The second phase in becoming convinced has to do with what has to happen to the information or evidence previously gathered to make a person become “convinced” of something. Each person has their own way of knowing how much information is enough.
You have a Number of Examples Convincer Mode which means you need to have the data a certain number of times to be convinced at work, in the chosen situation. Slightly more than half of the population needs the data three times to be convinced about something. You may believe: “Once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern”.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”48″] | I agree |
Convincer Mode: Automatic
The second phase in becoming convinced has to do with what has to happen to the information or evidence previously gathered to make a person become “convinced” of something. Each person has their own way of knowing how much information is enough.
You have an Automatic Convincer Mode at work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, which means that you tend to take a small amount of information and get convinced immediately. You can make snap judgments about things and rarely change your mind once you are convinced.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”49″] | I agree |
If you have found that you make snap judgements too often, you may wish to postpone taking action for a little while or to think things over a number of times before jumping to conclusions.
Convincer Mode: Consistent
The second phase in becoming convinced has to do with what has to happen to the information or evidence previously gathered to make a person become “convinced” of something. Each person has their own way of knowing how much information is enough.
You have a Consistent Convincer Mode at work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, which means tomorrow is a completely new day and just because you were convinced about something one day, does not mean that you will stay convinced. It is rare that you are completely convinced once and for all and others make perceive you as highly skeptical.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”50″] | I agree |
Convincer Mode: Period of Time
The second phase in becoming convinced has to do with what has to happen to the information or evidence previously gathered to make a person become “convinced” of something. Each person has their own way of knowing how much information is enough.
You have a Period of Time Convincer Mode at work, when {field:specific_situation_69}, which means you do not need a specific number of times to be convinced about someone or something. You prefer to gather information for a certain duration in time before you are convinced. You want to think things over “for a while” before deciding at work.
I disagree | [rating_form id=”51″] | I agree |